Once again congratulations to Keith Price of Pegasus Lodge, who was awarded the Weston Champions award on Saturday 28th April for his extensive work raising funds for charity through his twice yearly train exhibitions. We are all very proud of him!
Brompton had a great time celebrating St George’s Day with traditional fish and chips and dessert in our dining room. Entertainers Roland and Melvyn joined us and gave the owners a fun filled evening of good food, company & a good old sing song ‘Knees up mother brown!
Eastbank Lodge is now complete, with our first Owners moving in during the beginning of May. There are now only 2 apartments remaining. WEDDING BELLS... Our Manager, Nicki Cook will soon become Mrs Nicki Hardy (no relation to Tom!) on her forthcoming Wedding on 8th June. We wish them all the happiness for the future. BUSY BUSY... Owners continue to enjoy a busy social life at Eastbank Court. The Classical Music Programme, which was arranged by Owners, is still going strong. Additionally, Pat Dorman has been a regular visitor to the Court to play the piano and have a sing-a-long with the Owners! An interesting talk about the Darjeeling Railway took place in March which proved to be very popular. A talk about the Droitwich Canal is due to take place at the end of April ahead of a planned boat trip for Owners. A Seated Yoga taster day was very well attended, and we look forward to this being a successful exercise class for all Owners to enjoy. Owners will also enjoy a well-attended Summer BBQ in July, which always proves to be a great success. Owners enjoyed an afternoon cup of tea with home made cake and scones by the Forest Holme Hospice volunteer team this week. A big thank you to Forest Holme for putting on the event and to the head planner Vicky Brown, a Brompton Court owner. Owners had great fun completing a quiz, winning on the raffle and tombola, and being able to buy some lovely goodies with all proceeds going to Forest Holme Hospice.
Grange Court's Marie Curie fund raising coffee morning, and donation from our social fund on 11th April, raised a massive £436.00; which, coming from such a small site, was incredible. Lovely to see family, friends and residents from local Apartments also.
Great House Court in all its shiny roofed glory... The colonnades, roof, garages, facades and gutters have all been restored and are looking a picture since major exterior refurbishments have taken place in March.
Another wonderful evening enjoyed by all the owners and their guests at Deercote Court. A group of ukulele players entertained us for the evening, followed by a sumptuous ploughman’s supper and champagne provided by an owner to celebrate a special wedding anniversary.
Gresham Court has seen a busy start to the year with many events punctuating the social calendar. We enjoyed celebrating the birthdays of two of our owners, Mr Diederich (aged 88) and Mr Lumb (the venerable age of 98!). We have also welcomed back Film Night to the social calendar so residents will now enjoy a film together once a month in the lounge on a Saturday evening. Last but not least we celebrated Easter in fine fashion this year with hot cross buns and tea served on Good Friday and special Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday meals served to our residents and many of their family members. A lovely few days enjoyed by all.
A great weekend had by all including hot cross buns on Good Friday in the Great Hall, Sunday lunch with an Easter egg treat, and a colourful bank holiday buffet on Monday with entertainment from our local swing singer Philip.
January 2025