Last year the Court Managers and Owners of Great House Court and Holmesdale Manor collaborated to record ‘The Secret Garden’ to highlight awareness of Connie, a local child, who is 3 years old. When she was 6 months old her family were told that she had suffered bilateral brain damage caused by lack of oxygen either before, during or after her birth. This has caused a condition called Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) which has led to her having Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. The recording of 'The Secret Garden' has been enjoyed by all Owners.
Even in these difficult times the residents of both Holmesdale Manor and Great House Court came together - socially distanced, of course - to record The Secret Garden audiobook to raise money for charity. Special thanks goes to those residents that pioneered this idea in the beginning.
This is an amazing and creative task to do and it shows that people can still do something positive despite the circumstances. But enough about Covid-19, copies of the audiobook will be available shortly and updates of when they will be released online will follow. Our generous owners at both Holmesdale Manor and Great House Court combined forces to raise £245.70 for the MacMillan Biggest Coffee Morning. Well done to all who participated!
The latest make from the Crafters at Great House Court is Christmas baubles which were made from empty rooting bottles, filled with tinsel, ribbons, feathers, buttons, diamante pieces and holly, and covered in the obligatory bucket of glitter.
Great House Court owners were invited to a sale in the managers cottage in support of The Humane Society and Four Paws. The owners from Sackville Court also visited, it was a lovely morning and everyone went home with a bargain. Sackville College has invited Great House Court to their fund raising coffee morning on Friday.
This week Great House Court residents created arm knitted scarves and also had their first attempt at cross stitch. Additionally they had a go at ‘Twisted Stitches’ and jam jar fly’s.
Great House Court residents created The Butterfly Tree at our latest June craft session. It's purpose is for memories, names, poems and thoughts.
With the sun shining brightly, we had a great turn out for our June fish and chip lunch in the garden.
Great House Court raised quite a few glasses to the happy couple, Harry and Meghan, with their Royal party.
Great House Court in all its shiny roofed glory... The colonnades, roof, garages, facades and gutters have all been restored and are looking a picture since major exterior refurbishments have taken place in March.
January 2025