The next event will be in June for Strawberry cream tea.
Our Social Committee have been very busy organising the Sunday lunch for May. 35 Owners enjoyed roast beef with all the trimmings and Eve’s Pudding for dessert.
The next event will be in June for Strawberry cream tea.
A lovely afternoon tea was held at Gressland Court with finger sandwiches and homemade pastries and scones with jam and clotted cream.
We are planning our Summer BBQ which will take place on July 15th, and our theme this year in the 1940’s, we are also having a flypast from the Battle of Britain Dakota (time to be confirmed). The Manager and Duty Managers and Glyn from Bloomsbury will be dressing up as Land Army Girls, and one of the Duty Managers will be singing. Eastbank Court has recently welcomed several new Owners and 2 more are awaiting completion. There are now only 4 apartments left for sale.
Building work for 6 two bedroom apartments at the Court commenced in April and completion is planned for April 2018. A Poetry Group has recently been set up by one of our Owners, Mr Lewis. The group meets monthly where they bring along poems of a particular theme chosen at the previous meeting. Another Owner, Mrs Maylor organised two canal trips in April which proved to be so popular, that a further trip was organised for the beginning of May. Also an Alzheimer’s Society Quiz and Fish Supper took place in March which was very well received and raised £252.24 for the Society. There have been a number of milestone birthday parties celebrated recently and the Court will also be hosting another summer BBQ in July, which was very well attended last year, so fingers crossed for another sunny summer evening. The Social Committee have been busy arranging events for Owners due to take place shortly. An outing to Weston-Super-Mare is planned in August and a musical evening featuring a local band ‘The Cocktail Hour’ are just some of the forthcoming attractions. New Owners have been welcomed and are happily settled in at Gresham Court enjoying their new home. We have one bedroom apartment on the market at the moment.
Since our Christmas celebrations, owners have organised music afternoons and are also enjoying hosting regular coffee mornings and tea and cake evenings. We had very enjoyable High Tea evening. Cheese and wine evening has been organised by Mr Mason and been enjoyed by owners, as much as the music hour which has been organised by Mr Martin. We celebrated Mr Wards 80th Birthday on 8th May. We are proud to congratulate Keith Price of Pegasus Lodge who received an award from the outgoing Mayor of Weston at a presentation on 18th May 2017.
The award is in recognition of the amazing amount Keith has raised to date for charity from the Train exhibitions he organizes twice a year in the town. The money raised to date is in excess of £40,000 and Keith is currently planning the next exhibition. We are delighted that all his hard work has been acknowledged. We now have a waiting list for apartments but apartments are coming on the market very regularly. A number of new owners have been welcomed in February & March. Recent events in March & April have included the completion of the redecoration of the guest suite with our first two customers, Barry and Yvonne Summerfield enjoying champagne and flowers to celebrate this.
We have also celebrated the centenary of our oldest resident, Berly Webber, in March with a special coffee morning. Another high point was the great St. George’s Day Sunday afternoon with Jack Clarke, a brilliant jazz singer who recently qualified for the second round of Britain’s Got Talent! We also raised several hundred pounds for Jimmy’s Night Shelter from the St. George’s Day Raffle. It’s all go! Spring is on its way and this year the daffodils were still out when the wallflowers started to bloom. It is good to see the garden in colour again.
We have taken the opportunity of cleaning and sealing all the block paving in the car park and renewing the parking bay markings. The town houses on the old St Helen’s School site are nearly complete and apparently selling for £675,000. Apartment sales have been quite quiet as no properties have come on the market apart from those with one bedroom. I therefore have only one bedroom properties available. The waiting list for two bedroom properties is continuing to grow and I am sure any such properties will not be on the market long. I strongly recommend anyone interested to contact me so I can record their details appropriately. The events recently held include a buffet followed by entertainment when 22 owners and guests attended and had an enjoyable time. Last week 31 owners and guests attended an afternoon tea with a table magician conjuring up an entertaining afternoon. Coming up in April is our St George’s Day Fish and Chip Supper and in May a buffet following by a group called ‘Lets Rock and Roll’. A fashion show has been arranged in June together with a strawberry Tea. During the first half of this year, three new owners have been settling in and making new friends, having moved in just before Christmas. One of the new owners promptly had a house warming in his apartment and all were invited for a drink and a slice of cake. He also invited everyone round on another occasion to join him in singing hymns.
The bell-ringers from the local St Mary's Church came in and entertained all one evening and laid on a supper. One of the owners held a quiz with refreshments afterwards and there have been regular suppers with favourites such as fish and chips, salmon salad and pizza salad followed by dessert. Wiltshire Farm Foods were invited in to do a tasting session - they brought in several of their meals/desserts, cooked them here and handed them out for all to try. We are also looking forward to our next Pop up Shop in June where Ladies' Fashions are brought in to try on and purchase at discounted prices. Owners also enjoy a weekly coffee/tea morning and also a whist afternoon (although there is more laughter than whist playing, which all adds to the fun). The ladies in our knitting circle assure me that they don’t just “drink tea and chat “ and here are photos to prove they are, in fact, hard at work !The beautiful knitted items are being sent all over the world.
The external redecoration of Pegasus Court will take place later this year and Tender Documents will shortly be sent out for quotation. Being by the sea a particularly resistant paint is required. The Garden Committee have decided on geraniums in the flowerbeds and pots for the summer. In past years they have produced a very lovely show. We’re very much looking forward to the Spring and Summer months ahead! |
February 2025